Monday, December 24, 2012

The Glory of Christmas

Some two thousand years ago, God came down to and enter into creation to be our Savior. That alone is an incredible thing to think about, but what's more amazing is the result of His coming. He would begin a work to redeem and secure, to himself, a portion of His own creation. People from every tribe, nation, and tongue are being redeemed from the power of darkness, for His glory. His grace will be known across all creation, and among all people. Those who were once rebels will sing His praise. How amazing a thing that is. That our God can and will cause us, who were once His rebels and enemies, to not just love Him but long for His coming and sing His praises. That's the power of a new heart within us. One that is spiritually alive and soft - made malleable by and for the Lord.

Let His grace be always on our minds, and let us praise Him for His goodness this Christmas Day. Just as He came once many years ago, He will return soon, but this time to judge and rule.

"Glory to God in the Highest, and on earth peace among those with whom He is pleased."

I hope you have a great Christmas.

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